
Showing posts with the label Sociology Philosophy & Political Science

Public Interest v/s Public Interest

Public Interest v/s Public Interest With the  definition of Public interest getting blurred, it is the Public prejudice that has started occupying this space. But hopes are always alive. ---- ----------- ---  ---- ----------- --- ---- ----------- --- ---- ----------- --- ---- ----------- --- ---- ----------- ---  Until few years back, in every friend circle, family faction and among office buddies, one could see people with multiple interests and varying preferences. Every circle had members with varying entertainment preferences – Films, Theatre, Sports etc ; digressing philosophical preferences – socialism, capitalism, religion etc ; differing preferences for gossips – affairs, conspiracies, stock markets tips etc.  These dividing lines within each circle were blurred and members would often switch over preferences. Today, most of these circles exist in their digital avatars called whatsapp groups. These groups may have single interest  (cricket

The Conundrum of Low incomes and Expensive Homes

The Conundrum of Low incomes and Expensive Homes Also published in "Business Economic Diplomacy " in Nov 2018 issue --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- The most perturbing fact that transnational companies find in India is the absence of any correlation between real estate prices and per capita income. No economic logic convinces them of this stark phenomenon. And truly so, since the reasons behind high real estate prices in India goes behind generally accepted rationales.   The real causes have more to do with legacy issues, behavioural patterns and historical beliefs - solution to which lies not just in changing regulation but also in reversing mindsets. The key complex philosophies that create high real estate prices are : 1. Historical legacy still dictates fiscal policy : Historically, land-based taxes have been popular with government

The Morphing Indian Love Story

The Morphing Indian Love Story ( Also published in   Shared by over 6000 people on their Social platforms. ) The binary nature of status “single” or “married” now has added many additional options for status – in relationship, separated, live-in, long distance relationship, divorced, just friends or ‘its complicated’. Male-feamle relationship has come a long way in Indian since independence. ----------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- If Love is blind, it must necessarily have life. And if love has life, the English dictionary must classify it as a common noun. All living things - man, woman, plant, animal are common nouns. The English dictionary, however, classifies ‘love’ as an abstract noun. Love, truly was an abstract concept in India around its independence ( 1940s and 1950s). While It was present in folklore and mythology ( Heer Ranjha, Laila Majnu, Dhola Maru,