
Showing posts with the label Historical Trends

Southward movement of South Mumbai

Southward movement of South Mumbai My friend from Malad (to his teen aged son) : Parth, this weekend we will meet my college friends. First in Cuffe Parade and then while returning we will meet another friend in Lokhandwala Complex ? Parth : Daddy,  I know Lokhandwala Complex but where in Cuffe Parade ? -----   ***   ----- Stunned ? Shocked ? At the ignorance of Parth ?  If yes, then equally ignorant are those who fail to the see the reality. Rhythm House, Eros, Regal, Kamling, Paradise.…. the list of fading icons of South Mumbai is not just a nostalgic concern but an Urban Planning dilemma too. Among of four geographical blocks - South Mumbai, Central Mumbai, Western Suburbs & Eastern Suburbs, the unique phenomenon that differentiates South Mumbai from the rest is its stagnant population. One would wonder, isn’t that an advantage when everyone is talking of congestion as the biggest concern. The problem is when one sees the demographic forc

The Conundrum of Low incomes and Expensive Homes

The Conundrum of Low incomes and Expensive Homes Also published in "Business Economic Diplomacy " in Nov 2018 issue --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- The most perturbing fact that transnational companies find in India is the absence of any correlation between real estate prices and per capita income. No economic logic convinces them of this stark phenomenon. And truly so, since the reasons behind high real estate prices in India goes behind generally accepted rationales.   The real causes have more to do with legacy issues, behavioural patterns and historical beliefs - solution to which lies not just in changing regulation but also in reversing mindsets. The key complex philosophies that create high real estate prices are : 1. Historical legacy still dictates fiscal policy : Historically, land-based taxes have been popular with government

9/11 sowed the seeds for current housing problem of India

The origins of India’s current housing glut began with the 9/11 attacks Also published in CNBC on 11th Sep, 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Having raised money from the international market, real estate funds were under pressure to invest in India. * Indian real estate would have probably been left isolated but with the Indian government permitting FDI in real estate in 2004, the excess global liquidity also found its way into India. * A real estate boom ensued, but things began to go awry soon. Every second investment report on India sees housing as the most promising sector and yet we see defaults, slowdown in launches and declining sales dominating the industry. On the surface, the problem is, “Home prices are not affordable.” But a more eco

Towards Making Hindi The New X-Factor (Hindi Day article)

Towards Making Hindi The New X-Factor Also published in Movie Talkies Link to the Hindi version of the same article : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When spoken it resembles Urdu, when written it is like Marathi ; while its origin is Sanskrit, its name itself originated from Persian. Hindi is like the River Ganga. Alaknanda, Mandakini, Bhagirathi have different identities and characteristics, yet they all are ultimately Ganga. Hindi becomes Hindustani, when you add a few Urdu words to it ; pepping it with Urdu phrases, makes it morph into Urdu. With addition of English words, Hindi become Hinglish. Be it any form, the core of Hindi is to provide communication and emotional connect among Indians in India and among South Asians across the world. More than a language, Hindi is a movement. L

Hindi Day Blog : हिंदी बने एक एक्स-फेक्टर (article in Hindi)

हिंदी बने एक एक्स-फेक्टर Also published in Navbharat Times on 9 th Sep 2018. ( on the occasion of Hindi Divas - 14th Sep ) जब वह बोली जाती है तो उर्दू के निकट लगती है, लिखी जाती है तो मराठी दिखती है । अपना नाम उसे फ़ारसी से मिला है और मूल उसका है संस्कृत । बहु-वर्णीय हमारी हिंदी भाषा - गंगा नदी के समान है। अलकनंदा, मंदाकिनी, भागीरथी जैसी अन्य अलग पहचानें हैं, अलग अलग चरित्र है, फिर भी समग्र रूप से गंगा है।  हिंदी में थोड़े से उर्दू की शब्द मिलने से वह हिंदुस्तानी हो जाती है। नुक़्तों और महावरों से ज़रा शृंगार कर दो तो उसकी शक्ल बदल कर उर्दू की तरह हो जाती है।अंग्रेज़ी शब्दों का मिश्रण करने पर हिंदी हिंग्लिश बन जाती है। किसी भी रूप में हो, हिंदी का काम तो भारत में भारतियों के बीच और दुनिया भार में दक्षिण एशियाइयों के बीच संवाद और भावनात्मक जुड़ाव पैदा करना है। एक भाषा से भी अधिक, हिंदी एक आंदोलन है। भाषाएँ तो इंसासों को बाँट भी सकती हैं, लेकिन आंदोलन लोगों को जोड़ता है। आंदोलन, किसी तयशुदा रास